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4 Reasons Why You Should Do Full-Body Workouts

Writer's picture: Rita SabidoRita Sabido

When you do full-body workouts, it means that instead of working on one or two muscle groups per day, you put all of them in one daily routine instead. For years now we’ve watched as people advertised workouts concentrating on a specific muscle group, but there is more to it than that. If you train this way, it’s true that you will lift more weight per muscle, but you will lose the frequency of training almost all of your muscle groups.

Whole-body workouts mean that you will do less lifting per training session, but each and every muscle group will get agitated and worked on more often than with split-style training. Training with frequency is the better alternative, and here’s some evidence to back that up.

1. Increased Fat Loss

You will lose more fat when you do full-body training than with normal, split-styled workouts. There is a scientific study that proves this, as the people who did full-body workouts for three sessions per week improved their fat loss rates and lost more unnecessary body fat than the people who were doing the usual split style of training. This type of training seems to be work on the fat loss process through something called gene activation, which works to determine the results of your training. It doesn’t matter if you’re measuring fat loss, muscle growth or something else – gene activation is what determines how it turns out. When you do full-body workouts, your gene activity keeps your muscles’ metabolic processes boosted to the point that once affected by the training, they can’t stop working at maximum power for the rest of the day. This means that when you do full-body workouts, your body will continue burning fat for the rest of the day – you will burn more when you’re not training than when you actually are.

2. Increased Muscle Mass

The same study from the previous point showed that the group of people working on full-body training developed more muscle than the other one who split their workouts into that of specific muscle groups. There is only one reason for this – the people who did the full-body workouts had a greater testosterone-to-cortisol ratio after their training than the people in the other group. As we all know, if your testosterone levels are high and your cortisol levels are low, you spend more time in the anabolic phase. When your body doesn’t fall into catabolism, it boosts the creation speed of muscle proteins, making you grow more muscles by simply changing the style of your workout.

3. You Become Stronger

The study also showed that when people that could lift more and those who could lift less were divided into these two categories, the stronger ones in the full-body training program were experiencing increased strength gains than their strong counterparts in the split-style training program. This means that if you’ve been lifting for a while, you can break through your ceiling with full-body training even faster than a new lifter who just started lifting weights. While this may appear weird, it is definitely a change in bodybuilding theory – exercise scientists used to tell new people to do the full-body workout routines because they would get more chances to train their locomotion muscles and nerves that connect to them. Since these are the two main things you see when you first start up, it seemed brilliant, but as it turns out, if you’re an experienced lifter you will experience even bigger strength gains!

4. You Become Healthier

If you activate the genes in all of your muscle cells every day, your metabolic processes will be kept running at high speeds. This is done with the full-body training and it also helps you keep your body free of any metabolic diseases. I’ve seen a bunch of people aged 50 or more, being at the best possible point in their life, physically speaking, only because of their persistence in doing full-body training and eagerness to benefit from the obvious positive effects. If you’re not doing full-body workouts and you want to become healthier, that’s one of the most surefire ways to get the job done. All you need to do is prepare and start.

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