Business Services
Fitness Clubs and Fitness Professionals
Running your own business can sometimes be frustrating and even difficult to manage, but you're not alone. Thankfully help is always around the corner.
The more fitness and wellness professionals I meet, the bigger my understanding is for the drive and passion behind our industry, as well as the hassle and challenges to be able to succeed at it.
I get it, not everyone has a business mentality or the knowledge on how to run a full size health club or a small personal training studio. This is why I created a simple formula and a network of professionals ready to be at your service to consult in all of your business needs.
I have a wonderful network of business professional and wellness advocates passionate about this fabulous and rapidly growing industry.
Whatever it is, we can help. What sets my team apart from other business consulting contractors, is our passion to create and expand an awareness in the wellness industry, on top of our combine 30 plus years of experience in business management in various industries with high standards.
The bottom line, we want to see you succeed! The more successful you are, the more value, information and awareness is added to a world of conveniences, quick fixes and sedentary lifestyles. We want to end and prevent illnesses created by today's fast paced society.
My consulting services have improved the operations of several upscale health clubs and as a natural result, their revenue in the tri-state area, as well as countless independent fitness professionals, making it a rewarding and profitable experience.
Either you are planning to open a full size health club or small studio, or you are already in business, but not yet producing a healthy revenue or if you are an independent fitness advocate with big dreams and passionate to add value to others, but need direction...
Help is here!
Our services include, but are not limited to:
-Administrative support
-Budget creation
-Payroll Services
-Club Operations
-Managerial Support
-Software systems streamlining
-Talent recruitment
-Staff management and development
-Fitness Events
-Social media promotion
-Website support and creation
-Video and photoshoots
-Fitness department coordination and program creation.
-Personal Training sales
For more information, please go to the contact page to submit your inquiries.
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